
Monday, May 01, 2017

Clothing Tips No Woman Should Ever Miss

1. Old Things Must Go!

This is where you should start – there’s no room for change if you don’t make it yourself. Open up your wardrobe and take a good look at your clothes. You should ask yourself one simple question if you were in a store right now, what items from your wardrobe would you buy? It’s a very simple and quite efficient game you should play once in a while. If you want to stop spending hours in front of your wardrobe, it needs to be neat and color coordinated, hoarding clothes always leads to a mess. All clothes you decide need to go shouldn’t be thrown away you can decide to resell or give them out if they're in good shape.

2. Big Event Coming? Shop With A Plan

Whether you’re getting married, or you’re simply attending a black-tie event, you’ll definitely spend a lot of time searching for the right outfit. In order to be efficient and be happy with your choice, you should go shopping with a proper hairstyle, makeup and shoes, so you can see the bigger picture. Also, don’t forget to put on some nice underwear – you don’t want to dismiss a dress that doesn’t look good on you because you haven’t paid attention to your panty line.

3. Stretch New Shoes Painlessly

There are different ways to avoid calluses, which can really make your day difficult. Most of those problems come from high heels, right? Up until now, I’ve tried different kinds of methods, and the most effective one includes the freezer, believe it or not. If you fill a couple of freezer bags with water, place them in your shoes, and put them into your freezer to stay overnight, you’ll be able to see a huge difference in the morning.

4. Be Smart When You Buy A Jacket

Purchasing jackets, coats and blazers has just one rule – it needs to fit your shoulders. If it’s too tight or too wide, leave it in the store, because this is one thing that’s very difficult to alter, even if you have a good tailor by your side.

5. The Rules Of Showing Skin

Speaking of rules, we should mention those regarding showing skin. It’s pretty simple – show one body part at a time. So if you’re showing your cleavage, pay attention you’re not combining that with miniskirts, and the other way around. Looking and feeling attractive shouldn’t be based on how naked you are. A little bit of mystery is always a nice touch.

6. Treat Yourself Like A Queen

Beauty is connected with health more than you think. Taking care of your health starts with resting – no matter how many responsibilities you have during the day, you shouldn’t let them intervene with your sleep time. You’ve probably heard about something called beauty sleep, and you should know it isn’t a myth.

7. Make Clothes Work For You

You know how some people simply know how to wear the right clothes? There’s no mystery there, and actually, you could pull it off, too, by just thinking about what you’re wearing a little bit more. It all depends on how your body is built – you should tend to accent your features in the right way. For example, wearing V neck will make your torso look longer, and wearing nude pups will do miracles for the length of your legs. Embrace your shape and learn to love all its imperfections.

8. Having Trouble With Jeans?

You can’t have a fashionable clothing collection without jeans, but it can be hard balancing trendy ones with those which fit you perfectly. The first rule of buying jeans, no matter the type, is that when you’re in doubt regarding the size, you should always go with the smaller size – they’ll stretch after only two washes. When it comes to altering them, make sure you’ve washed them twice before you visit your tailor. A piece of advice – all hems of your jeans should go up to the tops of your shoes.

9. Say No To Makeup & Deodorant Stains

These kind of stains are not just unattractive, but also hard to wash. No matter how much we pay attention to avoid them, they have an annoying tendency to appear, right? When it comes to more expensive materials, I strictly advise to wash the stained part with warm water and if that doesn’t help, dampen that garment in water with some detergent. Most of new stains will come off if you just rub it with baby wipes on oil base.

10. Accessorize With Bold Colors

Accessorizing is what actually gives an outfit a personal touch. The way you accessorize is an important part of your style. Most garments in your color are probably (and should be) in neutral colors, so you can combine them when you find it suitable. So, when you’re purchasing accessories, you should be free to get them in wild colors. Also, don’t be afraid to clash together different materials, like edgy chains with pears and feathers, perhaps. An interesting addition to accessorizing somehow everyone tends to forget are buttons – try switching a set from your garment with the one you choose. It doesn’t require any special sewing skills, and it fits any kind of budget. You should know that accessorizing rounds up an outfit, so try to find time to put on a couple of items.

11. Stock Up On Scarfs

Speaking of accessorizing, the classiest one you can put on is a scarf. They come in different shapes, colors, sizes, materials and forms, so you’ll be able to find a type you’ll like, for sure. It’s the fastest way to accessorize, and it can turn every outfit looking like million bucks.

12. A Comfortable Outfit Is A Must For A Fun Night Out

If you don’t pick out your clothing items carefully, you might end up fixing up your outfit every couple of minutes, unable to have any fun at all. Start by choosing shoes which are comfy, and coordinate your outfit with them. Make sure all items fit perfectly, so that nothing is slipping. Also, experts recommend carrying a sturdy chain bag, so your hands can remain free.

13. There’s Nothing Better Than Well Tailored Clothes


There’s a good reason why tailored clothes cost so much – they fit perfectly. A few inches here and there make a huge difference, so don’t hesitate to visit your tailor from time to time. If you’re out of ideas about what you’d like to sew for you, you can always alter the clothes you have bought. Make friends with a good tailor, it will make the whole process much easier.

14. S, M And L bags

A handbag is one of the most versatile and important accessories that a woman can own. There’s no such thing as “one too many” when it comes to bags and purses, but pay attention to what type is the best for you. Sure, you’ll need different ones for different occasions,so your should at least have three different kinds for starters – small, medium and large. From styles traditionally considered masculine to typical high end women’s handbags, there is nothing you can’t combine with the right clothes depending on the occasion. After that, you should concentrate on the type you use the most, which is also the type which will get worn out the fastest. That is why you should have more of them – if you switch them regularly, they will last longer.

15. Learn To Handle Your Luggage

You can’t always hope to run into a gentleman who will carry your six bags around. So, if you don’t want to end up dealing with all that weight by yourself, learn how to pack efficiently – it can come in real handy when you’re in a hurry. Also, there’s a simple way to avoid your clothes getting all crumpled – put the clothing items in different freezer bags carefully, and place them in your suitcase. This is time-consuming, but if you need to attend an important event, freezer bags will keep your clothes clean and neat.

16. Upgrade Your Sewing Skills

It will come a time when you’ll regret not developing these skills, so you should work on them now, and avoid any future embarrassments. There’s a bunch of tutorials you’ll be able to find online – all you really need is a sewing kit and patience.

17. Take Care Of Your Clothes

Devoting this much time to your Wardrobe is unnecessary if you don’t take care of all those clothes you’ve carefully chosen. One quality iron, a nice detergent and a couple of seconds you should devote to checking the instructions on a garment is all it takes, so don’t be lazy. There is something for everyone on this list, and the truth of the matter is that mastering some fashion basics will allow you to develop and polish up a unique style that suits you very well and let’s you stand out, but has a universally aesthetic quality to it at the same time.


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