
Thursday, March 03, 2016

5 Ways To Remove Under Eye Circles

Dark rings under your eyes age appearance more than wrinkles or grey hairs, so it’s important to sort them out and get back to looking your best. While there are many ways to cover them up with make up or – if you’re a rock star – sunglasses, it is best to avoid these stopgap measures that don’t tackle the root cause of the problem. So here are 5 tips to alleviate the causes of dark rings to improve appearance as well as health.

1. Get Some Sleep

With 24 hour information, entertainment and shopping, modern life is hardly conducive to getting enough sleep. However, it is essential to your well-being and dark rings are a sign of the damage that sleep deprivation is causing.

Lack of sleep harms blood circulation which results in pale skin that can reveal the blood vessels just below the surface. This is what is causing those dark rings to occur. After 3 weeks of good sleep, they will start to reduce and clear.

2. Cucumber

Cucumber has astringent properties, which is fancy speak for being really good for your skin. They contain essential nutrients and moisture that hydrate and repair damaged skin cells. What’s more, they are very refreshing to put over your eyes and will relax you enough to get some much needed sleep.

3. Double Up On Pillows

Do you still get dark rings despite sleeping enough? This may be because as your heart rate slows during sleep, blood is pumped slower around your body and some can build up in the blood vessels under your eyes. The solution is to encourage better blood circulation while in bed by doubling up on pillows under your head. Not only is this way more comfortable, but circulation will be better.

4. Treat Your Allergies

Dark, puffy eyes are a common symptom of an allergic reaction. Think carefully about whether you have come into contact with an animal or food that you don’t usually, or about the time of year. Hay Fever can result in symptoms akin to sleep deprivation like drowsiness and dark rings, so be careful not to misdiagnose the problem.

5. Eat  Well

As ever, a good diet is key to solving many of our health problems and dark rings are no different. Deficiency in Vitamin K or antioxidants is a common cause and this can easily be solved by eating more leafy greens like kale and spinach. Also, lack of Vitamin B12 is related to dark rings. This can be helped by eating breakfast as most cereals are fortified with B12 and will provide your daily amount in 1 tasty bowl. Eggs, meat and dairy are also a great source of Vitamin B12.


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